Sunday, March 15, 2015

His name.....was Jagger

If you aren't familiar with the name "Jagger" in the last few weeks, you aren't alone.  Chances are you never saw it because there was much more "sensational" news going on, in the form of alleged mishandling and bad conduct within the dog world.  But real abuse, that resulted in a dogs untimely death, is alleged to have happened at Crufts, and it was completely overshadowed by something minor, miniscule and mundane.  The Irish Setter, "Jagger" whose registered name was Thendara Satisfaction, died the day after returning to Belgium from Crufts.  The owners of the dog claim that other than the time the dog was benched at the show, he was never out of their sight.  As of this writing, toxicology reports are still out, and the owners are still awaiting a general timeline for the poisoning.  Meat chunks, laced with a black substance, were found by their vet upon necropsy.  There have also been whispers of a second dog dying shortly after returning home, and 6 to 8 others becoming ill.

Poisonings at dog shows are not new.  Mercifully they don't happen frequently, but this isn't the first time that it's ever happened.  And even if the toxicology reports come back that the dog was NOT poisoned at Crufts, I am still deeply saddened for the family and their loss.  I am also very sad for the dog owning community that an actual story of "abuse" happened at the show, and people on the internet were too busy forming a virtual lynch mob over what, for years, has been "normal" terrier handling.  Where is the outrage over the dead dog? Where is the lynch mob threatening to string up the gutless individual who poisoned a trusting canine during a dog show? Where is the petition to end benching at Crufts so dogs aren't left alone? Or up safety measures to ensure this doesn't happen again?  Sadly, as far as I know these things are non existent. 

Dog people, we are in deep trouble.  If this is the way the world is leaning, and unfortunately the internet has become the source of many peoples "world", then we may already be so far down this slippery slope that we can not recover.  I hope from the deepest places in my heart, that this simply isn't true.  As with all things though, only time will tell. 

From an Animal Rights perspective, Jagger is no longer their problem.  Jagger is dead, as they think he should be.  And as such, is no longer subject to the cold and callous world they think that we live in.  He can no longer be abused by being crated, paraded around for entertainment's sake, or held captive in a private home for the pure sadistic enjoyment of his obviously uncaring owners.  He has been granted total freedom, in their world view.  And therefore is not worthy of media, internet, or social media attention.  Best In Show winning Knopa is however still alive, and subject to the above mentioned "cruelties" and so was the vector for their propagandized wrath. 

Jagger deserves justice.  His family deserves answers.  His story deserves to be heard.  REAL abuse happens every day.  Abuse that causes pain, injury, long term suffering, and in some cases death.  As dog fanciers, we need to realign our priorities and start focusing on what REALLY constitutes abuse.  We need to take opportunities to educate the public, from standing in the dog food isle at Wal-mart, to choosing what we bring attention to and credence to via social media, to talking to Joe Public at our local dog shows.  We need to promote pure bred dogs as a whole, not just "our" breed.  We need to stand together as mutual dog lovers and stand up for and defend one another, even if we don't see eye to eye on every single subject.  We need to start identifying abuse as abuse, and stop labeling differences of opinion, or different handling techniques "abuse".

And above all, we need to educate the general public about what the REAL goal of the Animal Rights movement is.  The total abolition of every...single....solitary...breed....type....strain or variety of domesticated animal.  When people donate to PeTA or HSUS they are only helping to drive us one step closer to a world that is sadder, less compassionate, less meaningful, and less healthy.  We need to encourage people to donate to their local animal shelter, or favorite breed rescue, where they can actually SEE what happens with their donation.  And for those who are leery of donating money, encourage them to donate supplies.  From yard sale finds, to buying an extra case of paper towels and a few bags of cat litter when they buy their monthly groceries.  We need to encourage the public to donate to the facilities that actually CARE about finding animals homes, instead of those whose core philosophy is "better off dead."

My heart goes out to Jaggers family, and thousands of other dogs just like him, who are legitimate victims of abuse.  Almost half of U.S. household own dogs.  Banded together we would be a force to be reckoned with.  We need to decide if it is worth it, that to keep our own dogs, we must make some concessions and compromises for the future of domestic animals as a whole.  I for one don't want to live in a world full of salads, empty crates, unoccupied beds, and movies that don't have a token dog as the hero or comic relief.  Do you?  Because the choice, is ultimately in each of our hands.  United we stand, divided we fall. 

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